Are you ready to get rid of PMS and period problems such as mood swings, insomnia, cravings, painful cramps, heavy bleeding, and irregular periods for good?

Are you ready to reclaim the power that lies within your menstrual cycle?

Are you ready to feel fully in tune with the rhythms and messages of your body to feel calm and at ease?

That's why I created Heal Your Hormones, a six week group program to heal PMS and period problems naturally, and reconnect with your innate body wisdom.

Hi, Iā€™m Dana!

And becoming in tune with my body's natural rhythms changed my life.

In my teens and early 20's, I suffered sometimes debilitating cramps, heavy bleeding and mood swings. I tried all different kinds of birth control, only to then suffer the side effects like depression, weight changes, infections, and more. Sound familiar? It wasn't until I decided to take my health into my own hands that things really started to change.Ā 

Now, I look forward to having my period! I see it as a beautiful, sacred time to turn inward. I'm in awe of the miracles that happen in our bodies every day.

So many systems (medical system, food industry, pharma industry, etc.) are not designed to support individual health. They're designed to profit off of your illness.

It's important to me not only to provide you with education and guidance in nutrition and body wisdom, but to also help empower you to take control of your health and not be a victim of the system.